Friday, October 18, 2013

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Sex Sells: Cars
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We all know that sex sells, and every week we’ve been highlighting the hottest and most entertaining examples of using sex in commercials to push some stock. So far we’ve covered all of the products and brands which are well known for using a little risqué suggestion to move some stock: beer, lingerie and…hamburgers (?).Which industry that’s famous for using provocative imagery in its ads is left for us to cover? Is there anything inherently sleek, fast, powerful and already intimately linked in our minds to sex?
Cars. Definitely cars.
The automobile premiered in 1886 and we’re pretty sure the first ad for it was a drawing of a Victorian lady sitting on the hood, saucily and wantonly flashing her ankles. Cars and sex just go together and we could fill the entire site with the commercials to prove it, but for your viewing pleasure we’ve narrowed it down to four ads from within the last few years.We like this spot because it shows electric cars are not just for the crunchy granola types or the founders of tech startups. Electric cars are for hotties; I saw it on television!
Okay, we dig this ad. We don’t know what it’s about or why it should convince us to buy a Dodge, but we like the attractive, barely clothed lady.

Apparently this Italian commercial with supermodel Belen Rodriguez was too much for TV and taken off the airwaves. Which is quite the accomplishment, as every form of media in Italy is incredibly sex saturated. It’s a shame this was removed from circulation; this is the rare ad that both makes us feel kind of funny, in the good way, in the pits of our stomachs and packs in a humorous twist.

If a pervert scorpion isn’t going to convince you to buy a new car then nothing is.
read more: Sex and Dating, sex, cars

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